Civil Discord unleashes Might As Well Be Friends and their Inner Beauty to much anticipated fans.

Philadelphia, PA — January 21, 2016 — It’s a fierce world out there and unless you’re Civil Discord, you might get swept up before ever getting your feet on the ground. Finally the 2014 release of the band’s debut EP Might As Well Be Friends, and their 2015 follow up release, Inner Beauty, arrive with substance, style and a spirit that captures their inner essence. 

People that enjoy a free reign in their music should give an ear and listen. By aligning their unwavering dedication to the do-it-yourself work ethic with a signature sound, singer/guitarist Bill DeSpirito, singer/bassist Taylor Rhodes, singer/guitarist Jay McKelvey, singer/drummer Chuck Mancini, and singer/percissionist Corinne Remolde DeSpirito have helped to define the landscape of today’s indie-rock music scene. The backbone of their work? Stylistically rocking eclectic songs—suggesting a range of influences of many genres through the ages—that hook… Both releases are now available on iTunes, Amazon and a host of other digital media providers. 

From the sweet rhythmic leads of Might As Well Be Friends to the raw aggressive bite of Shrooms, you’ll be glad you’ll become a Civil Discord fan! “Come join the revolution and become a Civilian!” 

Both releases are now available on iTunes, Amazon and a host of other digital media providers. Those local to the area have been lucky enough to see Civil Discord perform at such well known original and cover venues such as Legendary Dobbs, Connie’s Ric Rac, The Ribhouse, Chaplin’s and the list goes on. Check out for a list of dates on their website at